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Apc Ups 1500 Serial Port Settings

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by oblisjacol1980 2020. 2. 11. 22:44


Apc back ups pro 1500
  1. Apc 1500 Smart Ups Battery

Apc 1500 Smart Ups Battery

Apc 1500 smart ups manual

Zonker's APC UPS Console CluesBrought to you by;Zonker's APC UPS Console Clues 14, 2011, 09:26 am)I've been a happy UPS user for many, many years now, both at homeand at work. I learned from the mistakes of others, and I've got acollection of UPSs protecting my home equipment, and the Console Lab.While I've worked with a few different vendors, I've got a preferencefor the units from American Power Conversion (APC), because many unitshave serial ports and they can report about the condition of the powercoming into the UPS. I find this information invaluable, but the APCserial interface is NOT directly (i.e.

'pin-for-pin') compatible withthe 'de-facto' DE-9RS-232 serial interface. This page is intended to share information Ihave found about the APC interface, and to explain how to connect thisuseful interface to your console servers. (I've also used the SNMPmodules for the SmartSlot interfaces on older Matrix series units, butthis page will not cover the use of SNMP over Ethernet conenctions.)Table ofContentsAPC SmartUPS Console SignalsThe signals for the APC SmartUPS series UPSs is shown at the right. You probablynoticed first that there are no handshaking and flow control leads. You probablypresumed that the ground and data leads were on the 'normal' pins. Surprise!Notice the other, non-data pins again.

The LowBattery and the No AC Input outputsignals could be used to drive an alarm system, and you could wire your own 'Big RedSwitch' if you like, using the Power Offcommand input signal. (Or even a 'Big Green Switch', but that's outside the scopeof this page.)In short, you only need a 3-wire connection between the APC UPSconsole; transmit and receive data and ground only.APC supplies a with each UPS that has a serial console, because their interfacedoesn't match the de-facto standard initially used on the old IBM PC-AT.I recommend that you mark the cable, and hang onto it.If you use either a 'straight-through', or a 'null-modem' DE-9 cable to connectan APC UPS to a 'normal' DE-9 interface, the UPS will see signals from the attacheddevice.