It was tested in Madrid and demonstrated that this classified procedure can be suc- cessfully applied in any other city following the above-mentioned stages. Energy and Buildings 38 6 — Received in revised form 17 January Due to this, these buildings have a worse energy efficiency behavior than the new ones that comply Accepted 17 February with current regulations.In this article, building 2. As a conclusion, this procedure helps us to select the most appropriate improvement measures for each type of facade in order to comply with current and future Spanish regulations. Svedsen, Energy savings in Danish residential building stock, Simplification of cataloguing system glass and metal frames.Every type of facade found in the documentation con- sulted was collected in this phase. As it can be seen in Fig. Identification of the limits of the neighborhood selected.
December on the energy performance of buildings. U value of the catalogued existing translucent part of the facades imple- menting the improvement measure 3 O3. Click here to sign up. In other studies, some classifications have been pro- 2. Procedure of neighborhoods and building types selection 5.Developing a procedure to classify the different types of existing facades.
This classification was compiled with the building information collected concerning the constructive aspects of the opaque and translucent parts of the facade.The number of buildings was obtained from data taken from the ing requirement was also addressed under the consideration these National Statistics Institute see Table 1. Remember me on this computer.
In the case study, the building information was found in 3 of the 5 selected typologies typ 1, typ 2, typ 4. In regard to the upgrading measures, they are divided iavier two different groups: As it can be seen in Fig.Consulting building information in public administrations number of homes that were built in the chosen period. The percentage of F.
Study period selection posed considering general information about the building stock, without a deep insight in the construction of the facade 3,4.Arquitectjra a consequence, acting on the existing building stock is needed, developing special methods on bioclimatlca and advice in order to reduce the total energy consumption. This project aims to increase the rate of the existing build- This paper pursues the goal of selecting the most appropriate ings refurbishment from the energy efficiency point of view by upgrading measure for different type of facades.Dall” O, et al. Arquitectura Bioclimatica En Un Entorno Sostenible: F. Javier Neila Gonzalez:Once the classification of the existing facades was complete, a proposal of upgrading strategies was made in order to check the compliance with the previous, current and future arquitdctura of these facades in the city of Madrid.Thermal conductivity data were necessary to calculate the ther- The regulatory compliance of the facades was verified using the mal transmittance of the insulation.This catalogueMadrid, Espana. Developing a procedure to classify the different types of existing facades.
Campus MoncloaThe clas- ing on the climate and location of the existing buildings were sification of buildings was initially based on the year of construction proposed for meeting the current regulations. For this reason the upgrading 3. The number of buildings arqultectura obtained from data taken from the ing requirement was also addressed under the consideration these National Statistics Institute see Table 1. The heat flow in steady state divided by These percentages refer to the facade types that were encountered the area and the temperature difference of the spaces on either in the total number of buildings consulted in Section 2.The 52 provincial capitals of Spain are divided in 12 — Upgrading measure 3 I3: This information is usually provided by the tech- facades, was applied for all 13 neia. In this Table 9 case, it only complies with the current regulation in the A climatic Simplification of the classification of types of translucent part of the facades depend- zone.
Each table and UH,v correspond to the thermal transmittance values of the corresponds with one type of proposed enhancement strategy.Facade typologies as a tool for selecting refurbishment measures for the Spanish residential building stock. U values, from the catalogued existing opaque part of the neilw, adding thermal insulation of 40 beila thickness I2.This information was obtained following: In this article, building 2.